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Moyle Way, Antrim

Badger Rating 3.0/5
27 miles of way-marked way, following The Moyle Way section of The Ulster Way. Tremendous scenery, isolation, and the bike over the shoulder a time or two!

Getting There

Park in either Ballycastle or Waterfoot (Glenariff) village.

Trail Description

There are plenty of options on the Moyle Way to make it less (or more) challenging, depending on your penchant for hike-a-bike.  Study the map and work out the route that suits you best.

The route is well marked if you keep your eyes open, but if you make diversions off it, it can be difficult to pick it up again, so keep your wits about you.

Not too many bikes have been right along its length...


trail head marker Trail Head
route marker route 1 34.70km


Movies of Moyle Way, Antrim


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1= Rubbish      5= Badgertastic!
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NOTE: The trails on this site have been ridden before, but you should not interpret their inclusion as an indication that mountain-biking is officially sanctioned on them. Seeking permission from landowners is your own responsibility, as is conducting yourself in a manner that is courteous, respectful to the environment, and conscious of the safety of others.